
The axis of the Baltic States

Why Latvia

Latvia it's sandwiched between Estonia and Lithuania. Ever since the days of the Hanseatic League, Latvia has been the economic center of the Baltic States. Although Latvia's economy stagnated during the Soviet occupation, during the '90s that the country undertook long strides to regain its position as a financial powerhouse for the region. Today, Latvia is a fully-fledged member of the European Union and the common currency.

Latvia's capital Riga, it's a pocket-size version of London. A busy cosmopolitan city with a vibrant urban culture but, in a comfortable size, you can easily digest. Most of the relevant hallmarks of the city can be visited in a day (or two, if you want to be thorough).

The main attractions in Latvia include Turaida (Thor's Garden) and its castle embedded within a protected forest that contains 500 other cultural and natural treasures. The Gauja River, a peaceful body of water popular among canoeists. Jurmala, one of the most popular beach resorts in the Baltic. And Rundale Palace, a stunning Late Baroque building that has nothing to envy to Versailles.

But of course, there is much more to see and experience in Latvia. Our knowledgeable agents are ready to guide you through the many attractions and events that take place in this beautiful Baltic country. We invite you to get in touch with one of our team members for more details.

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